Interactive arts laboratory

Interactive arts laboratory
Interactive Arts Laboratory is an artistic research hub for new media and technologies which has, in less than four years since its inception, created a ten part documentary TV series "In the Net" (produced by SHARE Foundation and aired in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina), an immersive play "Fade Out" (a pervasive adaptation of James Joyce's "Ulysses"), a VR installation "A Look Beyond the Foreseeable" (the first major virtual reality exibition at the Yugoslav Film Archive Museum), a VR experience "Stroganj" (won First Prize at the world's first Hyper Reality Hackathon organized by Bristol VR Lab and British Council), a VR experience "A VRoom with a View" (won First Prize at the biggest regional VR competition "Hackathon in the Port" in Porto Montenegro) and succesfully completed "The FDA in Virtual Reality", a project supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
Active members:
Branko Sujic, associate professor, head of Interactive Arts Laboratory
Pavle Dinulović, docent, deputy head of Interactive Arts Laboratory
Jovana Karaulić, docent, secretary of Interactive Arts Laboratory
Mirko Stojković, DA; full professor, founder of Interactive Arts Laboratory