Film and television studio

The Film and Television Studio participates in organizing individual and group practice classes and exams for the Film and Television Department. It also prepares and organizes guest performances of students and teachers in parades, festivals and conventions in the country and abroad. The FTV studio issues film tapes and photo materials to students for practice classes and exams, and also procures, maintains and rents filming equipment.

The Faculty of Dramatic Arts is one of few film schools in the world providing education for all the necessary artistic and managing production staff, necessary for realization of film, video and TV programs. The curricula of the Film and Television Department contains a large number of individual, group and joint practical classes, which differ in structure and complexity, where diverse filming and processing techniques are used.

All the teachers, assistants and employees of the FTV Studio strive to enable the students of their department to work in an environment where conditions are similar to those in professional production, in order to create artworks of high artistic value and to attain an appropriate professional level in technical terms. Thus, the main task of the FTV Studio is to provide coordination, technological and personnel support in lectures and practical classes by using, above all, its own capacities. With few exceptions, the practical lessons plan in the field of film technology is fully implemented by means of own capacities (except for laboratory processes), while in the field of video technology, this process is complete.

As a technological entity, the studio was founded in 1966. Sreten Jovanović was the first studio manager and subsequently a professor in Film Production for many years and Dean of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. By keeping up with trends in modernization of teaching units, the technological development and introduction of new performing technologies, the studio has grown from being equipped with semi-professionally film equipment to the programming production center, equipped with the latest digital technologies and spatial capacities.

Independent Expert Associate - Head of Film and Television Studio
Tijana Medigović
Phone: +38111- 214-6532; +38111-2135-736, extension 149

Independent Expert Associate for Administrative Affairs of the FTV Studio
Miroslav Djurdjević
Phone: +38111- 214-6532; +38111-2135-736, extension 148

Independent Expert Associate for Photo and Video Recording
Marija Momić
Phone: +38111-2137-684; extension 112

Independent Expert Associate for Sound Recording and Design
Stevan Masnec
Phone: +38111-2137-684; extension 105

Expert Associate for Video Equipment
Dejan Rajić
Phone: +38111-2137-684; +38111-2135-736,

Expert Associate for TV equipment
Nebojša Smiljanić
Phone: +38111-2137-684; +38111-2135-736, extension 105

Expert Associate for Lighting
Dragan Pavlović
Phone: +38111-2137-684; +38111-2135-736, extension 150

Expert Associate for Lighting
Petar Ćurčin
Phone: +38111-2137-684; +38111-2135-736, extension 150

Expert Associate for Other FTV Activities
Sima Ćurković
Phone: +38111-2137-684; +38111-2135-736, extension 147