An international edited volume "Female Leadership in Music" soon to be published

Within the research project "Female Leadership in Music", implemented by Faculty of Dramatic Arts and Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade, and supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, an international edited volume under the same title will be published beginning of next year.

The publisher of this book is renomed German independent academic publisher Transcript Verlag, specialized for cultural studies and social sciences. The editors of the book are Iva Nenić, PhD, Principal Investigator of the project and assistant professor of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, and Linda Cimardi, PhD, Principal Investigator of the German Research Foundation project “Black Musics in the Region of (Former) Yugoslavia” based at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg.

The book consists of 17 chapters, gathering authors from institutes and universities in Finland, Germany, France, Lithuania, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada and Serbia. Authors are exploring leadership styles of women in different music scenes, intergenerational transfer of female music practices and role models, visibility and roles of women in preserving local, regional and national cultures, equality in music management, representation, female labor in music and other relevant issues. The articles will be open for online access or buying in print. In the book there is a chapter "Women in Music: Possibilities and Responsibilities of Cultural Management and Policy" by Tatjana Nikolić, Research Assistant at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, who is a member of the research team of this project. 

The edited collection is a result of a two and half year long project that included field research throughout Serbia and the region, numerous individual and group interviews, action research in the form of two organized concerts of female musicians, as well as an international symposia. The book is partly founded on the program of the symposia which was held on June 21st 2021 at the Faculty of DRamatic Arts, with 9 papers in the main session and 5 papers from the PhD candidates, but also on the open call for papers that fit to the thematic, scientific and formal objectives of the publication.

Members of the research team have several times already presented different research results at the international conferences, both in the field of ethnomusicology, and cultural management and policy. 

The project “Female Leadership in Music” is financed by the Scientific Fund through the Programme for supporting exceptional projects of young researchers PROMIS under the no. 6066876 and implemented by Faculty of Music as the project leader, and Faculty of Dramatic Arts as partner.



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